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Research Team

Grant Research and Proposals




Grant Research - Uses an hourly approach and varies according to the number of Foundations Identified

Proposal Writing - Uses an hourly approach and varies according to the number and type of applications  processed

Proposal Review - Hourly depending on number of grants reviewed

Grant Research

We provide targeted, customized research that will identify grant opportunities that conform to your funding needs. Our research will help you to ensure that your proposals are directed toward grant makers who support the programs and activities your organization provides.

Diversified Nonprofit Services combines its considerable grant research and proposal writing experience with the use of comprehensive foundation/grant-making databases and other sources of information to target your proposal for success.  We have identified thousands of grant opportunities for organizations over the past 25 years.

Proposal Writing

​We write proposals that are customized to your organization's objectives and needs and that address the purpose, activities, and areas of interest of each funder.  Diversified Nonprofit Services can also write collaborative proposals that include your organization and other partners in the conceptualization and writing process. Diversified Nonprofit Services has written proposals that have helped organizations raise tens of millions of dollars.  These range from $1,000,000 grants for capital investment to $5,000 grants for specific program needs.  Funders have included private, corporate, and government sources.

Proposal Review

Increase the potential for the success of the proposals you write with a comprehensive review by Diversified Nonprofit Services. Our experienced grant writers will review your proposal to ensure it conforms to the requirements of the funder including its purpose, activities, and areas of interest. Your proposal will be evaluated against the funder's formatting, documentation, and submission requirements to ensure that all items are addressed.

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